Foreign students from different countries study at the Department of Language and General Education Training of Foreigners at the Faculty of Pre-University Education of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. They study Kazakh and Russian languages in order to receive further education in various specialties. The year 2025 is an anniversary year for our faculty, which traces its history back to 1985. 40 years ago, the first representatives of foreign youth came to our university. From the first days of its existence to the present, the teachers of the Department of Language and General Education Training for Foreigners have tried not only to provide high-quality education to foreign students in Kazakh and Russian, but also to form intercultural communication among students, to acquaint students with the history of Kazakhstan, with the achievements, traditions and cultural values of our country. Educational work with students from abroad is an integral part of the educational process. In its essence, it is specific and is aimed primarily at the social adaptation of foreign citizens in our country. In general, this process aims to create a positive image of our country, the city of Almaty and, of course, our university. That is why educational clubs operate at the department.
The «Melpomene» Theater Club was established in 2010. The club’s goal was to introduce foreign students to the theatrical life of Almaty, to tell students about the history of the creation of such famous theaters as the Abai Opera and Ballet Theater, the Mukhtar Auezov Kazakh Drama Theater, the Lermontov Russian Drama Theater, and the theatrical life of Almaty. Students are always very interested in learning new things, visiting theaters, watching operas, ballets, performances and always admiring the magnificent buildings, excellent professional productions that correspond to the world level and have a unique local flavor. Immersion in the cultural life of Kazakhstan allows foreign students to better learn and feel the high level of development of Kazakhstan, its tolerance, gain knowledge of world culture, classical music and classical literature, as well as to feel the musical and dramatic works of Kazakh, Russian composers, playwrights. The operas «Abai» and «Eugene Onegin», the ballets «Swan Lake» and «The Nutcracker» are of constant interest.
At club meetings, after visiting the theaters, what they saw is discussed, students share their impressions, and club heads comment and provide explanations. Modern digital technologies provide an opportunity to watch and discuss fragments of famous theatrical productions. That is why the club continued its work during the pandemic in an online format.
A separate area of work of the theater club is the organization of performances and productions with the participation of students. Young people are happy to take part in concerts held at the Faculty of Pre-university Education: they show mini-performances, literary, musical and dance compositions. This allows students to practically use Kazakh and Russian languages and feel like artists. Student life, thanks to such work, becomes more interesting and richer.
This year, which is the anniversary year for the faculty, foreign students will traditionally take part in the celebration of Nauryz. Yurts, national costumes, and traditional Kazakh treats always delight students, and they are happy to participate in the celebration: they read poetry, sing, dance, and play the dombra.
Graduates of the faculty love Kazakhstan, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, and, of course, they remember their student years, studies, teachers, and the «Melpomene» Theater Club.
In the year of the fortieth anniversary of the Faculty of Pre-university Education, I would like to wish the entire staff and students success and new achievements, strengthening friendship and cooperation with different countries, peace and kindness!
Ignatova E., Akhmedova A., Tolmacheva D.